It’s that time of year again! Time to dig out your best photos from 2018 and get ready for one of the highlights of the winter calendar—the annual club photography competition.
You have until 7th February to give your photos to either Sally or Hilary. All the entries will be displayed on awards night, and there will be prizes galore for the best photos! And before you throw your hands up in despair and ask “what’s the point of us entering when we now have professional photographer in our ranks?” don’t worry. Chris Bradbury will not be entering the competition, but has agreed to be involved in a judging capacity.
So here are the rules:
- Photos must have been taken in 2018
- Photos must be no bigger than 7” by 5”. Space does not allow anything bigger to be displayed and therefore it won’t be judged.
- Photos don’t need to have been taken underwater, but if out of the water they must have diving or dive trip relevance, so snaps of your Aunt Matilda’s French Bulldog in pink pyjamas just will not do, no matter how alluring!
- Photoshopping and technical meddling is allowed.
- Please don’t write your name or initials on the back. Instead, put your photos in an envelope, folder or similar with your name on it.
- Bribing the judges is allowed and positively encouraged.

There will be a fun packed presentation night in March (TBA), and an opportunity to vote for the “peoples’ choice”. Also, if you have a suitably amusing photo that can be used for a caption competition please submit it by February 7th and bring a prize on Presentation Night. So get busy sorting and tweaking all those fab photos from 2018! And remember that deadline for getting your snaps to Sally or Hilary—7th February.